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Android Sample Code

Android code to enable renaming a device with the 0$S prefix (code also checks if “0$S” was
already set as a prefix). Please note, this automation will require permissions.

* "Ensure that you check Android permissions before executing read/write operations with the
Bluetooth Manager."
* Additional checks like if name already have prefix 0$S then show user information or show another
flow to user could be done
* <!--Before Android 12 (but still needed location, even if not requested)-->
* <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" />
* <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" />
* <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH" android:maxSdkVersion="30"
* <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_ADMIN"
android:maxSdkVersion="30" />
* <!--From Android 12-->
* <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_SCAN"
android:usesPermissionFlags="neverForLocation" />
* <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT" />
fun renameBluetoothDeviceName(context: AppCompatActivity) {
	val btManager = context.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE) as BluetoothManager
	val mBluetoothAdapter = btManager.adapter
	if (!isBtNameAlreadyHavePrivacyPrefix(context)) {
		mBluetoothAdapter.name = "0\$S " + mBluetoothAdapter.name
	} else {
		Toast.makeText(context, "Device name already have a prefix 0\$S.",
 * This method can be used to check if device name already have a 0$S prefix or not.
fun isBtNameAlreadyHavePrivacyPrefix(context: AppCompatActivity): Boolean {
	val btManager = context.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE) as BluetoothManager
	val mBluetoothAdapter = btManager.adapter
	return mBluetoothAdapter.name?.startsWith("0\$S") == true

Android sample code an app can use to read the name of the device on which it is installed and
determine if it includes the “0$S” prefix and trigger an opt-out or not.

 * This method can be used to check if device name already have a 0$S prefix or not to determine
 * if UniversalOptOut Enabled or not,This method returns boolean true/false
 * where true mean UniversalOptOut Enabled
 * and false mean UniversalOptOut Disabled
fun isUniversalOptOutEnabled(context: AppCompatActivity): Boolean {
	val btManager = context.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE) as BluetoothManager
	val mBluetoothAdapter = btManager.adapter
	val isOptedOut = mBluetoothAdapter.name?.startsWith("0\$S") == true
	if (isOptedOut) {
		Log.e("UniversalOptOutStatus", "UniversalOptOut Enabled")
	} else {
		Log.e("UniversalOptOutStatus", "UniversalOptOut Disabled")
	return isOptedOut

Android sample code an app can use to read the name of a device the smartphone is paired with
over Bluetooth (in case the “0$S” prefix is applied not to the smartphone but to a device that is
set with a universal opt-out signal).

 * Following function can be used to retrieve device name if it is already connected to a Bluetooth device.
 * If required connection update as soon as they happen i.e., Listening to connected or disconnected state
 * following broadcast receivers can be used
fun getConnectedDeviceName(context: AppCompatActivity): String ? {
	val btManager = context.getSystemService(Context.BLUETOOTH_SERVICE) as BluetoothManager
	for (device in btManager.adapter.bondedDevices) {
		if (isConnected((device))) {
			return device.name
	return "No device connected currently."
private fun isConnected(device: BluetoothDevice): Boolean {
	return try {
		val m: Method = device.javaClass.getMethod("isConnected")
		m.invoke(device) as Boolean
	} catch (e: Exception) {
		throw IllegalStateException(e)

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